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Packets and their Uses

Incoming Packets (Packets sent from the server to the client):

  • S00PacketKeepAlive: Used by the server to check if the client is still responsive by sending periodic keep-alive packets.
  • S02PacketChat: Sends chat messages from the server to the client.
  • S03PacketTimeUpdate: Updates the time of day on the client to synchronize with the server.
  • S04PacketEntityEquipment: Updates equipment worn by an entity, such as armor or items in hand.
  • S05PacketSpawnPosition: Defines the position where players will spawn in the world.
  • S06PacketUpdateHealth: Updates the player’s health, food level, and food saturation.
  • S07PacketRespawn: Forces the player to respawn after dying or being teleported to another dimension.
  • S08PacketPlayerPosLook: Updates the player’s position and look direction.
  • S09PacketHeldItemChange: Updates the slot in the hotbar that the player has selected.
  • S0APacketUseBed: Informs the client that a player is using a bed.
  • S0BPacketAnimation: Animates entities, like arm swings.
  • S0CPacketSpawnPlayer: Spawns another player entity into the game world.
  • S0DPacketCollectItem: Sent when an entity, usually a player, picks up an item.
  • S0EPacketSpawnObject: Spawns objects like arrows, boats, or minecarts in the world.
  • S0FPacketSpawnMob: Spawns a mob entity in the world.
  • S10PacketSpawnPainting: Spawns a painting entity in the game world.
  • S11PacketSpawnExperienceOrb: Spawns experience orbs in the world.
  • S12PacketEntityVelocity: Updates an entity’s velocity.
  • S13PacketDestroyEntities: Informs the client to remove an entity from the world.
  • S14PacketEntity: Updates the position or rotation of an entity.
  • S15PacketEntityRelMove: Relative movement of an entity compared to its previous position.
  • S16PacketEntityLook: Changes only the look (head or body rotation) of an entity.
  • S17PacketEntityLookMove: Updates both the position and look of an entity.
  • S18PacketEntityTeleport: Teleports an entity to a specific location.
  • S19PacketEntityHeadLook: Rotates only the head of the entity.
  • S1APacketEntityStatus: Updates an entity’s status, such as being on fire or crouching.
  • S1BPacketEntityAttach: Attaches entities, like putting a player in a minecart.
  • S1CPacketEntityMetadata: Updates metadata (custom properties) for entities.
  • S1DPacketEntityEffect: Applies a status effect to an entity, like poison or speed.
  • S1EPacketRemoveEntityEffect: Removes a status effect from an entity.
  • S20PacketEntityProperties: Updates the properties of an entity, such as health, movement speed, or attack damage.
  • S21PacketChunkData: Sends a chunk of terrain data to the client.
  • S22PacketMultiBlockChange: Changes multiple blocks within a chunk at once.
  • S23PacketBlockChange: Updates a single block’s state.
  • S24PacketBlockAction: Performs an action on a block, like opening a chest or a note block sound.
  • S25PacketBlockBreakAnim: Displays block-breaking animations.
  • S26PacketMapChunkBulk: Sends multiple chunks to the client at once.
  • S27PacketExplosion: Simulates an explosion by removing or damaging blocks.
  • S28PacketEffect: Sends an effect, such as a sound, like explosions or portal sounds.
  • S29PacketSoundEffect: Sends sound events to the client.
  • S2APacketParticles: Sends particle effects, like smoke or flames.
  • S2BPacketChangeGameState: Changes the game state, such as starting rain or clearing it.
  • S2CPacketSpawnGlobalEntity: Spawns a global entity, like a lightning bolt.
  • S2DPacketOpenWindow: Opens a window, such as a chest or crafting table interface.
  • S2EPacketCloseWindow: Closes the open window or GUI on the client side.
  • S2FPacketSetSlot: Updates the item in a specific inventory slot.
  • S30PacketWindowItems: Sends all items in an open window’s inventory.
  • S31PacketWindowProperty: Updates a property of a window, like progress bars in brewing or furnace GUIs.
  • S32PacketConfirmTransaction: Confirms a transaction between the client and server.
  • S33PacketUpdateSign: Updates the text on a sign.
  • S34PacketMaps: Sends map data to the client.
  • S35PacketUpdateTileEntity: Updates data for a tile entity, such as a chest or furnace.
  • S36PacketSignEditorOpen: Opens the sign editor on the client to allow typing on a sign.
  • S37PacketStatistics: Sends statistics data, such as blocks broken or time played.
  • S38PacketPlayerListItem: Updates the player list (Tab menu) with player names, ping, and game mode.
  • S39PacketPlayerAbilities: Updates the player’s abilities, such as whether they can fly or are in creative mode.
  • S3APacketTabComplete: Provides tab-completion options for commands.
  • S3BPacketScoreboardObjective: Manages scoreboard objectives.
  • S3CPacketUpdateScore: Updates the score for an objective.
  • S3DPacketDisplayScoreboard: Changes the scoreboard display.
  • S3EPacketTeams: Manages team data for the scoreboard.
  • S3FPacketCustomPayload: Sends custom plugin messages.
  • S40PacketDisconnect: Disconnects the player with a message.
  • S41PacketServerDifficulty: Updates the difficulty level of the server.
  • S42PacketCombatEvent: Sends combat events, such as entering or leaving combat.
  • S43PacketCamera: Changes the player’s camera perspective, like when controlling an entity.
  • S44PacketWorldBorder: Updates the world border settings.
  • S45PacketTitle: Displays a title on the screen.
  • S46PacketSetCompressionLevel: Sets the compression threshold for packets.
  • S47PacketPlayerListHeaderFooter: Updates the header and footer of the player list.
  • S48PacketResourcePackSend: Sends a resource pack URL for the client to download.
  • S49PacketUpdateEntityNBT: Sends updated NBT data for an entity.

Outgoing Packets (Packets sent from the client to the server):

  • C00PacketKeepAlive: Sent by the client to keep the connection alive.
  • C01PacketChatMessage: Sends a chat message from the client to the server.
  • C02PacketUseEntity: Interacts with an entity, such as attacking or interacting with it.
  • C03PacketPlayer: General player movement packet.
  • C04PacketPlayerPosition: Sends the player’s position to the server.
  • C05PacketPlayerLook: Sends the player’s view direction (yaw and pitch).
  • C06PacketPlayerPosLook: Sends both the position and look direction.
  • C07PacketPlayerDigging: Sent when the player starts or finishes digging a block.
  • C08PacketPlayerBlockPlacement: Sent when the player places a block in the world.
  • C09PacketHeldItemChange: Notifies the server that the player has changed the selected hotbar slot.
  • C0APacketAnimation: Sends animations, like arm swings.
  • C0BPacketEntityAction: Sends entity actions, like crouching or sprinting.
  • C0CPacketClickWindow: Used for inventory management; sends when an item is clicked in an inventory window.
  • C0DPacketCloseWindow: Closes the inventory window.
  • C0EPacketClickWindow: Confirms an item transaction in the inventory.
  • C11PacketEnchantItem: Used when enchanting an item.
  • C12PacketUpdateSign: Updates the text of a sign.
  • C13PacketPlayerAbilities: Sends player ability changes, such as allowing flight or invulnerability.
  • C14PacketTabComplete: Requests tab-completion options from the server.
  • C15PacketClientSettings: Sends the player’s client settings, like language, chat visibility, and render distance.
  • C16PacketClientStatus: Updates the client status, like requesting statistics or respawning.
  • C17PacketCustomPayload: Sends custom plugin messages.
  • C18PacketSpectate: Sent when the player starts spectating another entity.
  • C19PacketResourcePackStatus: Sent when the player accepts or declines a resource pack.
  • CAnimateHandPacket: Simulates the player’s hand animation, such as swinging or using an item.

These packet types represent a variety of actions and data exchanged between the client and server in Minecraft, from movement and combat to world interaction and game state


These are actions associated with an entity’s behavior, particularly the player, and they likely correspond to player actions that can be canceled.

  • StartSprint: Indicates that the player begins sprinting.
  • StopSprint: Indicates that the player stops sprinting.
  • StartSneaking: Signals that the player begins sneaking (crouching).
  • StopSneaking: Signals that the player stops sneaking.
  • StopSleeping: Indicates that the player has stopped sleeping, likely when exiting a bed.
  • RidingJump: Used when the player performs a jump while riding an entity (e.g., a horse or pig).
  • OpenInventory: Triggers when the player opens their inventory.


These are related to the block digging or destruction process, typically handled when the player interacts with blocks.

  • StartDestroyBlock: Indicates the player has started breaking a block.
  • AbortDestroyBlock: Cancels the block destruction process, such as when the player stops mining mid-way.
  • StopDestroyBlock: Sent when the block is fully destroyed by the player.
  • DropAllItems: Causes the player to drop all items from their inventory.
  • DropItem: Drops a single item from the player’s inventory.
  • ReleaseUseItem: Indicates that the player has stopped using an item (e.g., releasing a bowstring after drawing the bow).

These packets are key to handling player actions related to movement, block breaking, and interactions with their inventory or items.